Is It NaNo Time Again Already?!

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to sit down and post. I’ve had some huge changes at work that have required me to switch companies, and I’ve been scrambling over the past few weeks finishing up training and paperwork, getting my new computer system set up, all that good stuff. For the record, needing a new computer when you’re flat-out broke is kinda intense. I haven’t even had my normal time to write during all of this. Crazy stuff.  But I’ve officially started with the new company, the training’s out of the way, and I am back to my normal schedule.

And during all of this, I’d completely overlooked the fact that November is exactly 2 weeks away from today.

Awesome timing, November. I need you more than ever right now! I’m feeling disconnected, my characters all jumbling up inside my head. They’re so freakin’ bored up there, poor things. Hooray for NaNo being around the corner!

If you’re planning to sign up this year and want some serious inspiration – I just bought a copy of Chris Baty’s No Plot? No Problem!. Chris Baty is the guy who founded National Novel Writing Month. Just started reading this book and I can’t put it down – he’s a funny guy. =) But even more, he’s incredibly motivating. I remember always being inspired by the emails from him during last year’s NaNo as well, and never realized he was “The Guy,” the one who put this all together.

Good luck and good writing to all of you who are signing up this year!
